Conference Proceedings
The conference proceedings will be published in a single volume containing abstracts, full papers and presentation materials.
If you are interested in submitting a paper or electronic presentation, follow the instructions below. Please note, submissions are not compulsory.
A CD of the entire published proceedings will be produced, and will be available for purchasing after the conference.
Professional Industry and Public Sector ICT Practitioners
Submissions can be in the form of a paper or electronic presentation that was presented at the conference. Practitioner submissions will not be peer reviewed.
Submissions should be in the form of an academic paper (not your conference PowerPoint). Your paper should be up to, but no more than, 5,000 words, including tables, references and appendices. It should reflect the content of your presentation at the conference, fully referenced, in APA style.
Refer to the Style Guide for formatting guidelines.
Academic papers will be blind reviewed by two peer reviewers (that is, the identity of the reviewer will not be made known to the author).
Reviewers are solicited by the Editor, and as published authors themselves, they are prepared to review your paper from an academic standpoint. Once your paper has been reviewed, you will be advised whether it has been designated:
A) Accepted as is
B) Accepted with suggested changes (as outlined by the reviewer for return to the author) or
C) Unsuitable for publication
If it is B) you will be given the recommended changes for editing. After you have edited the paper, you will be asked to resubmit and will be given a deadline by which to do so. This is standard professional journal publication procedure. Please note that if you do not format your paper according to the set guidelines it will not be accepted. If your paper is C) Unsuitable for publication, you will be given a brief reason.
Key Dates
26 November 2010: deadline to submit full paper or electronic presentation
18 February 2011: notification of acceptance
18 March 2011: deadline to submit final version of accepted paper
How to Submit
All papers must be in submitteed in PDF format as an e-mail attachment by the deadline. The subject line of your email should include ‘NZCS proceedings’ and your name. In the body of your email, please include your contact details and the title of your paper.
Submit your paper or electronic presentation to [email protected]
Refer to the Style Guide for formatting guidelines.
Need help?
Contact us:
Conference Organisers
Paardekooper and Associates
Phone: +64 4 562 8259